Summer is officially upon us- or so the Summer Solstice would have you believe. I’m still waiting for this heatwave the TV keeps promising me!!
Anyway, thank you to everyone who voted, it was almost neck and neck…but one of you cheeky lot voted twice (in my email AND on social) so I just took your first vote and that means the winner of the July theme is …drum roll please…Heart Chakra – Self Love.
I’m going to be sharing in class little snippets of insight on the Heart Chakra and how you can tap into this magical energy to help you reconnect with love for yourself. We will also be incorporating lots of heart opening postures in class to expand our self- love energy.
But for now here is a quick overview of the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra – Anahata (in Sanskrit)
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Gemstone: Rose Quartz or Malachite
Primary function: Love & Compassion
Top Tip for unlocking the heart chakra energy:
Stand in front of the mirror for 5 minutes and list all of your beautiful qualities inside and out. Maybe you want to write them down and pin them to the mirror the next time you walk past.
Show yourself the same level of love that you would show to your best friend and you will soon notice that you start to feel more and more in love with yourself everyday.
Because we are all amazing and the one person who you should love the most is yourself!!
So to sign off – I leave you with a self-love affirmation from Mr Ru. Paul himself
“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else”