vvvvv Keep reading for wellbeing tip vvvvv
Autumn is one of my favourite seasons – it’s the season where nature completely transforms. The leaves drop & change colour, animals start to hibernate and the universe just slows down a little.
October is also a month of celebration for my family as there are lots of birthdays, including mine AND we end with Halloween which is my second favourite holiday (after Christmas of course!).

As nature starts to slow down, we also feel the urges to snuggle up in front of the TV, fire on, a big cosy blanket and maybe some hot chocolate. Our bodies and minds crave the slow down…but our lives can sometimes be so full of the hustle and bustle that we don’t (or can’t) listen and end up feeling overwhelmed and close to breaking point.
This is why it’s so important for us to find some balance in our daily lives.
Balance doesn't necessarily have one definition, but it can mean finding balance between all things in your life. The fun, the rest, work, family & friends, our exercise & health routines and everything in between. Depending on where you are in your life right now will depend on the type of balance you need to find...for me it's all about rest.

Balance & rest isn’t something that has always come naturally to me…if at all to be honest. As a natural people pleaser and overachiever it’s always been one thing I’ve found tough and still to this day I get it wrong all the time!
However, I’ve learnt over time that we have the power when it comes to balance. It’s not something that life hands us, instead it’s something that we can create for ourselves.
Often though, I find that we don’t even necessarily realise that we are out of balance, but instead we just notice how we feel when we are:
· Overwhelmed
· Wobbly
· Unfocussed
· Flustered & frustrated
· Inadequate / a bit embarrassed
· And many more feelings
A bit like how our bodies can feel when we try a new balance in a Yoga class. Haha!

Balance requires dedication, consistency, self-awareness, self-compassion, boundaries and maybe a good laugh or two too! This is what we are learning when we fall out of that balance in class. It’s the idea that if & when we fall out of a balance it really doesn’t matter….what counts is how we find our way back there again.
So I’m going to kick off October with one of my favourite wellbeing exercises, journalling! I offer you some journal prompts to help you identify where you may need some balance in your daily life and help you figure out how to get there. Because balance looks different for all of us my friends- it’s not how it looks, but how you get there that counts

Journalling to tap into Balance
1. What does balance mean to you?
(Reflect on how you define balance in different areas of your life (work, relationships, personal time).
2. How do you currently spend your time?
(Make a list of your daily activities. Which areas feel over- or under-represented in terms of time and energy?)
3. What activities or people help you feel centred and grounded?
(List things or individuals that bring you peace. How often do you prioritize these?)
4. What can you let go of to create more space for balance?
(Reflect on tasks, obligations, or habits that no longer serve you and are keeping you from a more balanced life)
5. What are you grateful for right now?
(Gratitude can help shift focus toward the positive. How does gratitude impact your sense of balance and peace?)
Love, Tash xx