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“Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from difficult situations”
(Oxford Dictionary)
Resilience is a characteristic that we all naturally have, I promise!! BUT with chronic stress, our busy lives and without proper nourishment it can easily deplete. We end up tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, burnt out- amongst other things. I certainly felt the effects of this mentally and physically over the years and now really appreciate just how important it is to nourish myself and top up that resilience cup.

a corporate me, working hard feeling very burnt out!
Resilience is often a mindset. It’s knowing that we have the power to overcome hardships and to allow ourselves to become the source of your own love and validation. Removing the need for external influence to feel good about ourselves.
It’s knowing that we have a choice when it comes to dealing with difficult situations and we have a choice when it comes to nourishing ourselves. I love this poem below….it really demonstrates how we can to be kind to ourselves and how self-love and nourishment is ours for the taking.
“Today, give yourself permission.
No, more than that.
Give yourself everything.
All of it.
Time, the benefit of the doubt, gifts,
patience, affirmation, the extra mile,
delightful surprises, validation,
trust, a soft touch, smiles, forgiveness,
faith, unconditional love,
All the things once reserved for our lovers, for our children…
Take them,
They are yours.”
Melody Godfrey
Resilience IS something we all have. Inner strength IS something we all have. Sometimes we just need to connect with that INNER POWER.

So, this November in class; either online, in Wantage or Didcot, we will be exploring our minds and bodies natural resilience. Working on strength building postures to challenge us and connect to that inner warrior! YEEEEEESSS!! We are strong my friends!
We are going to be discussing tactics to tap into our resilience and nourish it, and I’m going to share ways that I was able to deal with stress and overwhelm in my day to day life in the corporate world.
But for today I offer you a little journalling practice. This exercise is something that can be quite hard to face into sometimes, but it’s something that will remind you of the inner strength, power and resilience that lives within you!
Journalling to Reflect
· Looking back over this year, write a list down of all the challenges you’ve faced
· Reflect on them
· Write down what happened, and how you overcame those challenges.
o What did you feel, think, worry about
o Was the worry worse than reality?
· And then write down how you have grown from that hardship? What did you learn and how could you apply that learning to the next challenge that you face?
Reflect on what you wrote down and notice how you turned fear, hardship and challenge into your superpower, how your resilience stepped up and you are better for it!
I'm always hear for a chat in my DM's so please do reach out! And don't forget to give Yoga a try. It's an amazing tool to help and support when you need some help build back up your resilience. After just one session you will leave feeling more grounded and connected.
Sending all my love as always, Tash xx